E90: Clare Hutton - Being a Radiotherapy Department Manager

Naman Julka-Anderson and Jo McNamara catch up with Clare Hutton as part of the leadership series (part 17).

Discussion about Clare’s career, being a radiotherapy department manager, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the highs and lows of management.
To use this podcast as CPD, look at these reflection points: 
2) Reflect on what leadership skills you have now and consider where you might need to develop.
3) Consider undertaking a 360 insights review: https://www.insights.com/products/insights-discovery-full-circle/

Complete this form for your accredited digital badge: https://bit.ly/3GbtR1X.

Links from podcast:
Hull University Teaching Hospitals Radiotherapy: https://www.hey.nhs.uk/queens/services/radiotherapy/ 

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