E8: Mandy Tuckey and Nick Hutton - RePAIR Project with RePAIR champions

Mandy Tuckey and Nicky Hutton discuss the RePAIR project and their roles as RePAIR champions.
Discussion about the RePAIR project.
Naman Julka-Anderson catches up with Mandy Tuckey and Nicky Hutton who are RePAIR champions to discuss what the RePAIR project is, what they have been doing in their roles and what the future holds for them.

To use this podcast as CPD look at the reflection points:
1) What strategies have you used to help learners in your department to achieve their full potential and ensure they get the support needed?
2) How do you think the findings from RePAIR is shaping the way you support students and newly qualified staff?
3) What changes could you make to the support offered to students and newly qualified staff to ensure they continue to feel valued and supported in your department.
4) How could you work more collaboratively with your HEI/radiotherapy department to promote recruitment initiatives?
5) If you could offer yourself one piece of advice if you were a student radiographer or newly qualified member of staff to support your future career pathway, what would it be?

Then complete this form for your accredited digital badge: https://bit.ly/3GbtR1X

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