E44: Victoria Cuthill - Cancer Genomics
Education and Workforce Development Part 11
Discussion about cancer genomics.
Jo McNamara and Naman Julka-Anderson catch up with Victoria Cuthill as part of the Education and Workforce Development Series (Part 11).
To use this podcast as CPD, look at these reflection points:
1) reflect on the use of genomics in your area of work e.g if you look after breast cancer patients, what learning needs do they have and how can you help them to achieve these?
2) Listen to a patient story (any story) that involves genomics in some way and reflect on what you might change in practice.
3) How do you think genomics could change the way we approach cancer diagnosis and treatment?
Jo McNamara and Naman Julka-Anderson catch up with Victoria Cuthill as part of the Education and Workforce Development Series (Part 11).
To use this podcast as CPD, look at these reflection points:
1) reflect on the use of genomics in your area of work e.g if you look after breast cancer patients, what learning needs do they have and how can you help them to achieve these?
2) Listen to a patient story (any story) that involves genomics in some way and reflect on what you might change in practice.
3) How do you think genomics could change the way we approach cancer diagnosis and treatment?
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Links from podcast:
St. Marks Hospital: https://www.stmarkshospital.nhs.uk/
Victoria cuthill research gate: https://www.researchgate.net/scientific-contributions/Victoria-Cuthill-2180635178
Personalised medicine; https://www.macmillan.org.uk/healthcare-professionals/news-and-resources/blogs/what-are-the-opportunities-for-personalised-medicine-in-rare-disease-and-cancer
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